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People's Poker Tour 2021

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  1. People's Poker Tour 2021 Schedule
  2. People's Poker Tour 2021 Tour
  3. People's Poker Tour 2021 Dates
Kemet Nu (Black Peoples') Productions
African-Centered Lectures, Tours to Egypt & Ethiopia Plus Videos By Ashra & Merira Kwesi

People's Poker Tour 2021 Schedule

AshraandMeriraKwesiarelecturerson Africanhistory,civilization,religion,andculture.They presentlivelyanddynamicmultimediaproductionsandvideosandconductAfricancentered tourstoEgyptandEthiopia.Basedontheirstudyandtravel,theyrevealstartlingandprofound informationontheAfricanoriginofmanyoftheconceptsandsymbolsnowutilizedbythe western world.
3 Decades of research, travel & tour experience in Egypt
Ashra Kwesi's 30 year celebration in EgyptBy Basui Amenemhet 6250 (2010)
Kemet Nu Productions | P.O. Box 41005 | Dallas, TX| 75241 | Tel: (214)-371-0206 Fax: 214-371-09086 Email: or© Kemet Nu Productions
NextEthiopiaTour-Tentativelyfor December,2021-January,2022.Annual African-centeredwintertourto'theland where humanity began.' Sample of 2019 Ethiopia brochure (6 pages)

People's Poker Tour 2021 Tour

Duetooverwhelmingresponse,wewill conduct2summertourstoEgypt.The datesareJune26-July10andJuly11- 25,2021.Thecostforthe15day'Tripof A Lifetime' is $4150 per person. View Itinerary and Tour Details Egypt 2021 Tour Brochure (6 pages)Thereisaseparatebrochureforthose travelingfromoutsideoftheU.S.orwho do not need international airfare. Egypt 2021 land only 6-page brochure

People's Poker Tour 2021 Dates

Studio-produced,visual,historically documentedvideosofslidepresen-ations.Livelecturesfilmedonlocation inEgyptandEthiopiatobring'our story' to life.
Visuallydocumentedpresentations basedonalmost4decadesoffield researchintheAfricanNileValley.Call 214-371-0206tobookaprograminyour area.

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